Information about the company

St.-Martin-Straße 114
81669 Munich
Telephone: +49 89 27372633 - 0

Directors: Manuel Deil, Alexander Youssef
Headquarters and Register Court: Munich HRB 287 093
VAT Identification Number: DE363260134

Responsibility for content under Section 55 Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV)

Manuel Deil

Report Violation under Whistleblower Protection Act

Have you witnessed an incident that you would like to report? Here, you have the opportunity to submit your report confidentially and anonymously:

This whistledesk is shared with our parent company iteratec GmbH. When making a report, you can select which company it applies to.

Advice on design and implementation

Website conceptualization & design: HILLERT NEXT GmbH

Picture and video credits

© eternalcreative, 858635444, iStockphoto
© themacx, 484267882, iStockphoto
© Georgijevic, 918153946, iStockphoto
© piranka, 1131903805, iStockphoto
© simonkr, 598255892, iStockphoto
© alvarez, 576904174, iStockphoto
© Nikada, 679524456, getty images
© Gorodenkoff, 1007932141, shutterstock,
© Gorodenkoff, 1027712576, shutterstock
© Gorodenkoff, 1025738111, shutterstock
© fizkes, 1025732684, shutterstock
© KAStudio, 1015498174, shutterstock
© MotionHill, 33635608, shutterstock
© Ben Schrader, Live It Up, Audioagency
© andrew-ridley, unsplash
© annie-spratt, unsplash
© brandi redd, unsplash
© Junpeng Ouyang, unsplash


LUY assumes no guarantee that the information provided on this website is complete, correct, and in every case up to date. This also applies to all links that refer directly or indirectly from this website to other websites. LUY is not responsible for the content of these other websites reached via such links. LUY reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice. Contributions identified by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of LUY. Any reproduction, storage, and reprinting – with the exception of private use – is granted only with the permission of LUY. Errors and technical changes reserved. Under no circumstances shall LUY be held liable for any specific, indirect or direct damages resulting from the absence of possible utility, loss of data or missed profits – whether as a result of non-compliance with contractual obligations, negligence or other tortious action – in conjunction with the use of documents or information, respectively the performance of services, which are accessible on these websites.


Text, images, graphics, animations as well as attached documents, overviews, and lectures are covered by copyright protection and other protective laws. The content of this website may not be copies, distributed, modified or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Product names on these websites are used only to identify the products and may be registered images contained on these websites are subject to the copyright of third parties. We would also like to point out that the hardware and software designations and brand names used on this website are the property of the perspective owners and are subject to general trademark, brand or patent protection.


Instances of access to the HTTP server, which makes the LUY websites available on the internet, are logged in the standard way. The logs contain no personal user data. The utilization of logging information serves internal purposes only.

Important notice

For reasons of improved legibility, that additional use of the female form has been omitted. We would, therefore, like to point out that the exclusive use of the masculine form should be explicitly understood as gender-neutral and that women are addressed in equal measure. This notice applies to the entire content of the LUY website.