About LUY


A picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore we offer you individual online presentations. Not as a one-sided presentation, but in a joint dialogue. In this way we can address your specific company situation and show solutions that meet your specific requirements.   

Trial access

As is well known, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We offer two ways to put LUY through its paces:

  • Using ready-made sample data you can get to know the range of features and many scenarios
  • Based on your own data, you can gain initial insights with LUY

You will receive our comprehensive customer support during the test phase. We will be happy to answer your questions and discuss specific scenarios with you. 

Start with LUY

Seamless Deployment

LUY is available as a SaaS solution. Unlock all the features without any data or user restrictions - LUY is there for everyone!


You need help getting started? No problem! Behind LUY there is a team of experts who will simplify your onboarding and help you with the following challenges, for example:

  • Support in data collection, structuring and evaluation; both conceptually and operationally during implementation  
  • Assistance with the internal positioning and establishment of the topic Business Navigation or Enterprise Architecture Management 
  • Creation of a roadmap for rolling out LUY in your company 

With LUY and its team you will be productive in no time.

Optimize LUY


You take care of your business – we take care of LUY. To make sure you always get the best out of LUY in every situation, we offer you a range of services for day-to-day operations:

  • Individual support & best practice consulting, for example on how to link business and IT with a capability map.
  • Technical support by LUY Professionals: Automation via Plugin API, integration with third party systems via REST and much more.

But that is not all! For each release we offer webcasts in which we answer your questions. Once a year, we also invite you to a LUY User Congress, where you can exchange and network with other customers in workshops on best practices.

Get started with LUY now!